What are Mathematical Equations Used for in Everyday Life? Uses and Examples

Teaching Method

What are Mathematical Equations Used for in Everyday Life? Uses and Examples

What are Mathematical Equations Used for in Everyday Life? Uses and Examples

What is a Mathematical Equation?

A mathematical equation is a statement that consists of two or more expressions connected by the equals sign (=). It represents the relationship between two sides, where the left-hand side (LHS) and the right-hand side (RHS) are equal to each other. The purpose of an equation is to solve for the value of an unknown variable, which is represented by one of the expressions in the equation. It is important to note that an equation needs to have an equals sign; if it’s missing, the numbers or values are considered to be an “expression” rather than an equation. 

It’s important to note that an equation requires an equals sign to be considered as such. If the equals sign is absent, the numbers or values are instead considered to be an “expression.” And this concept is well explained in Geneo App by the help of interactive examples and simulations. Learners can easily visualize the theorem and see how it is applied in real-life examples, making the learning experience more relatable and meaningful.

Each math equation usually has several components, which might include the following:

  • Coefficients
  • Variables
  • Terms
  • Constants
  • Expressions

Types of Math Equations

There are different forms of mathematical equations, some of which are as follows:

  • Linear equation
  • Rational equation 
  • Cubic equation 
  • Quadratic equation 

Linear equations are those in which the highest power of a variable is 1, while cubic equations involve one variable raised to the exponent 3. Similarly, a quadratic equation will always have one variable raised to the exponent 2. These equations are commonly used in various aspects of daily life, and they have a wide range of applications in both academic and non-academic settings. They are used in various fields like physics, chemistry, engineering, economics, and even in everyday problems. They can help us in understanding the relationship between different variables and help us to make predictions and take decisions based on them.

Let’s explore different scenarios, the various ways in which mathematical equations are used in real-world scenarios with the help of Geneo Learning App, in order to deepen your understanding of their applications and significance. 

The application of the Pythagorean theorem in architectural design.

This is one of the most popular applications of mathematical equations in real life. The Pythagorean theorem, named after the Greek mathematician Pythagoras, is commonly used to find the length of an unknown side or the steepness of a slope and the angle of a triangle. It is used extensively in the field of architectural design, and it’s an important part of the Geneo Learning App curriculum.

This theorem can be applied in various scenarios like in the building of bridges, houses, and ramps. The Geneo App is designed to make learning about the Pythagorean theorem easy and intuitive. The app provides interactive and engaging visual aids that help students understand the concepts behind the theorem. 

For Measuring the pH of a Substance or Chemical

Measuring the pH of a substance or chemical is an essential step in understanding the acidity level of the substance. The process of measuring pH is done by using small strips of paper, often called pH paper, which change color when dipped in a chemical substance. The change in color on the pH paper indicates the acidity level of the substance.

This process makes use of logarithms, which are a mathematical concept that allows us to determine the power to which a number is raised to get a new value. Logarithms are employed to calculate the acidity level of the substance, and the result is known as the pH scale.

Uses of Mathematical Equation In the Field of Cryptology

Cryptology, the study of codes and their solutions, is another area where mathematical equations are frequently used in daily life. Researchers and experts in the field use mathematical equations to encrypt confidential data on the Internet and protect it from unauthorized access.

One example of a math equation used in cryptology is the Fibonacci series, a sequence of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two preceding ones. This concept is not only used in cryptology but also in nature, often found in patterns in trees and flowers.

The Vital Role of Mathematical Equations in Research and Development 

In the field of research and development, mathematical equations play a crucial role in helping scientists and researchers understand and analyze complex phenomena. It is used to model different systems and processes, as well as in the development of new technologies.

One particular area where mathematical equations are heavily used is in the study of bacterial growth and decay. Researchers use mathematical equations to model how bacteria react to different combinations and situations, allowing them to make predictions and understand the underlying mechanisms.

In the Field of Baking or Cooking

Fractions play a crucial role in the kitchen, often used by chefs to measure portions, especially when preparing recipes without specific serving sizes. By using fractions, chefs are able to accurately divide ingredients and make precise measurements, resulting in consistent and precise portions. This is especially important when cooking for a large group, where precise measurements are essential in avoiding food waste.

Unlock the full potential of your education with the Geneo Learning App

With mathematical equations present in many aspects of our lives, it’s important to have a solid understanding of them. The Geneo Learning App provides curated, NCERT-aligned content for students in grades 5-10, allowing them to follow the same curriculum as taught in school, promoting better overall learning and building a strong conceptual foundation. With self-paced learning and AI-guided curriculum tailored to each student, it ensures maximum engagement and retention.

Unleash the power of personalized learning with the Geneo App! The Geneo Learning App offers a comprehensive and convenient way to supplement traditional education. With self-paced learning and AI-guided curriculum tailored to each student, it ensures maximum engagement and retention. In addition to this, it provides mentor support and Live teacher-led online classes, assignments, and assessments to support and fortify students’ conceptual understanding, making Geneo App a perfect supplement to traditional classroom learning.

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